Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Missing Momma 1

Its been 2 months since my Mom's passing. Time feels like its been going by so slowly, at a snails pace. I am the eldest child, and the "responsible one" so Mom left it up to me to Execute her trust.
Wonderful. We all have nightmarish times in life, but this takes the cake.

So many problems to deal with, I feel so overwhelmed. Fortunately, as God would have it, I have a sister in my congregation who is great with settling the affairs of the passing of loved ones. However, even she admits that working on all of this paperwork is a nightmare. What seems like a simple form turns into an all day project. Living with Momma in a home in which she had to put it on a reverse mortgage or lose our home makes all of this legal mumbo jumbo that much more difficult.

Brian, my brother and I have 6 weeks to get out of the house. How to do that on Bri's disability payment and I still have no income. Mom left just enough money for me not to be able to buy a single-wide modular home, travel trailer etc... But enough to cause a problem with SSI. I have to legally get rid of money in order to apply for SSI. What a bunch of bureaucratic red tape Mom got me into...geez. I know she did her best by us, but bless her dear heart, she messed up big time. I feel I am into all this Legal Trust crap up to my neck and its overwhelming me.

Then thinking about leaving the home and memories created in our home. Wow! We had a lot of laughter, tears, fights, making up but mostly LOVE.  Without Mom's presence here, there is definitely an emptiness to the home. As belongings are packed away, its becoming more of a house. Its losing the loving atmosphere Momma provided.  Even though I know other folks have gone through something like what I am going through now, I wouldn't wish this mess on my worst enemy!